How to change attitude at work

How to change attitude at work


How to change attitude at work is our today toolbox talk topic. We spend the most hours at work. Time spent at the office or in the workplace means more time than we spend with our family and friends. For this reason, it is important to have a positive attitude at work, to create a comfortable, collaborative environment in which to feel comfortable. 

But what is a positive attitude at work? It refers to maintaining an optimistic disposition during the working day. An attitude can be good or bad, negative or positive. 

How to change attitude at work
How to change attitude at work

The unfortunate fact about negative attitudes at work is that someone tries to justify their negative attitude with reasons that are quite invalid. It is a common human trait that most of us believe only what we want to believe is always right. 

On the other hand, when we develop a positive attitude at work, we are prepared to respond safely and effectively.

Barriers to change attitude

This improvement in our perception allows us, the people who have positive thoughts, not only to detect and take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us in our day to day but also to act firmly and decisively, making the most of them. And thus move towards the goals that we have set ourselves to achieve.

  1. Absence of rolesPeople have individual responsibilities, and goals to meet. However, they are part of a link in the chain that is the team. They cannot learn to work as a team when their team members are not clear about which process they take responsibility for. When this happens, improvisation takes place and as a consequence, more resources are wasted and more mistakes will be made.
  2. Negative environmentIt can be evidenced when there are divisions into sub-groups, everyone is on their own, blame is sought for not achieving the goals instead of socializing the learning and if the leader does not know how to do anything to make the culture change, it will negatively impact the results of the organization.
  3. Lack of empathyIt is observed when one or several of the team members do not systematically understand the impact of their role, that of their peers and the interdependence between them. They generally show selfish attitudes in which they only care about their tasks, seek to be recognized as star workers, and do not consider it important to collaborate with their colleagues so that everyone achieves team results.
  4. Lack of awareness of realitySome teams that have achieved results in the past tend to get overconfident and fall into their comfort zone. They have achieved victories together and feel that any challenge is small according to their history. However, after celebrating these gains you should always maintain a mindset of humility and continuous learning. The world changes permanently, the clients and ourselves. Therefore, as a team, they must remain alert and constantly adapt to new circumstances, designing more creative strategies than the previous ones.
  5. Learn to forgive: Those who do not forgive accumulate within themselves the opposite of positive thoughts. You must learn to forgive because otherwise, you will generate a negative perception of your environment and you will forge stronger mental conditioning.
  6. YOURSELF: And finally, not the least of the obstacles, but precisely the biggest obstacle that you are going to have to face: you are yourself. The only and main war is with yourself. The rival is you. You must overcome yourself by increasing your self-esteem, adding value to yourself, assuming your present and generating positive perspectives on your future.

How to change the attitude

Therefore, it is vital that you consistently adhere to all accident prevention and performance standards that have been created for your protection on the job. You cannot change emotions, although you can learn to recognize them and keep them under control. You must get the facts because a negative attitude is often based on incorrect information.

For example, some workers sometimes avoided wearing a safety helmet. If everyone clearly understood how a helmet could save their lives in some unforeseen circumstances, everyone could wear one at all times.

How to change attitude at work
How to change attitude at work

If, on the other hand, some workers did not want to hear all the facts, they would have to make a decision based on incomplete information. To work under the greatest protection, it is necessary to learn as much as possible about how accidents occur and how they can be prevented.

Once formed, attitudes are difficult to change, even with logical arguments. But they can be changed. The first thing to do is ask yourself if a given attitude can be dangerous for yourself or other people.

How to change the attitude from negative to positive

But how to have a good attitude at work? What guidelines must we follow to improve confidence and avoid situations of stress or anxiety?

Be proactiveMake things happen, and avoid waiting for them to just happen. A good way to do this is to anticipate changes, anticipate them and think of a solution, if necessary. A proactive person is not limited to following orders but makes new proposals and perseveres so that they are carried out.

Feeding negative attitudes at work will only lead to a situation of pressure and stress that is very detrimental to us.

How to change attitude at work
How to change attitude at work

Maintain a good relationship with colleaguesAs mentioned at the beginning, we spend most of our time at work and it is an excellent opportunity to meet our colleagues and build a team. By forging personal relationships, the results at work will also be better, we will know how we have to act with certain people, we will know their abilities better and we will avoid moments of tension from being generated.

Some ways to foster a good team relationship are, for example, participating in conversations, sharing interests and helping colleagues.

Avoid conflictsOn a day-to-day basis, we work with people who have very different personalities and, perhaps, outside the office we would not have a relationship with them. However, it is important to know how to distinguish and avoid arguments or conflicts, which will not help to maintain a comfortable environment. Try to solve them powerfully, without losing form and always look for a common point for both positions.

Focus and be punctualBeing connected or arriving at toolbox meetings or training on time and paying attention to what our supervisors or trainer is telling us helps to a positive attitude. You must participate in the meetings, not be distracted by the mobile and maintain eye contact with the person who is conducting the toolbox talk.


All this above will help us improve our attitude in the workplace and feel more motivated. Some negative attitudes are born when we see that the work we do, does not make sense or is not worth it. Feeding this type of attitude will only lead to a situation of pressure and stress that is very harmful to us.

How to change attitude at work
How to change attitude at work

In addition, establishing positive attitudes generates positive safety culture, helps reduce stress, increases productivity and performance, and helps strengthen work teams. Therefore, the importance of a positive attitude at work is directly related to the well-being of workers.

  • Promote a positive and respectful attitude among workers involved in disaster risk reduction,
  • Use language and images that respectfully address gender, disability, and cultural issues.
  • Focus on people's skills and abilities, not their disabilities. Starting from the assumption that everyone can participate and make their own decisions.
For more health and safety knowledge, visit: Safety Zone

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