Hand Safety

Hand Safety

4 minute read

Hand Safety, I'm serious, you know what I mean? However, have you thought about a machine that can squeeze, twist, pull, push, lift and even more, able to speak and feel? Yes, I mean the human hand. So, today's hand safety toolbox talk is our topic. Throughout the toolbox talk, you will know the hand safety tips about CTS. Are you ready for hand safety topics?

Hands are one of the most valuable pieces of tools we own, but they are nonetheless very vulnerable. Too often we endanger our hands. But most of the time we don't pay attention to how we use and protect them. So, always we have to remind you to hand safety gloves.

Hand Safety
Hand Safety
I could tell you countless accidents that have occurred over the years and years, but as a recount, I will only mention four of the most common hand injuries, that you have seen in hand safety posters posted in front of our mess hall with hand safety slogan:

  1. The first refers to cuts with sharp objects such as knives, scissors, axes, etc. Indeed, there are countless of these that can cause injuries, for example, screwdrivers, corkscrews, nails, etc.
  2. In second place are injuries caused by rotating objects, such as, for example, by machines or appliances that have rotating blades and rotating parts.
  3. In third place, I want to mention the crushing blows.
  4. And, fourthly we would like to explain in detail about CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) nerve disease due to repetitive hand movement.

 In our operations, as you know, some of these accidents have occurred. So that you don't repeat yourself, today I want to remind you to use safe procedures every time. You use your hands, and keep them out of places where they can be caught when handling materials, hooking cables, moving cylinders and working with saws or during repetitive movement.

Carpal tunnel syndrome and hand safety

At first, Ahmed's fingers left hand tingled, like the sensation of imaginary needles. He often felt when his hand went numb. This time, however, Ahmad, a typist in a manufacturing company office, was unable to 'wake up' to hand.

Within a few weeks he ' hardened' and began to hurt a lot and felt imaginary needles. He began to experience in his right hand. His doctor diagnosed him with 'carpal tunnel syndrome' (CTS), a nerve disease in the hands that have become so common in workplaces that experts consider it an industrial epidemic.

Hand Safety
Hand Safety
What are the main cause of carpal tunnel?

Hand injuries can be traumatic, such as the loss of a hand or one or more fingers. Named for the C-shaped tunnel of the wrist bones at the base of the thumb, the carpal tunnel is part of a pulley system of tendons that allows the fingers to bend.

CTS occurs when swollen or inflamed muscles press on nerves in the wrist and hand. This can occur when a person repeatedly flexes or extends the wrist during rapid and frequent work movements.

Other signs are numbness, general weakness, lack of coordination, an increased tendency to drop things, and finally persistent pain. Since CTS is often reversible if treated in its early stages, you should know what you should do if you feel you have this problem.

Can carpal tunnel be cured

Reducing the speed with which we perform some particular functions with our hands. Of course, this is not always possible, but it is probably the best prevention.

  • Make sure that the kind and stress of movements of the hands make a change during the job rotation.
  • During rest periods, do stretching exercises for your arms and hands to release built-up tension from your muscles and improve blood circulation.
  • It is possible that in some occasions the problem is solved simply by raising the platform on which they work so that the hands find a better level, and taller workers may instead need to work from a lower position.
  • It is very detrimental to hide a CTS condition. If someone develops this disease, it is a sign that something is not working well. In any case, the doctor will give the final diagnosis.
Hand Safety
Hand Safety

If left untreated long enough, permanent nerve damage can occur. In this case, the only effective treatment is usually surgery. The surgery itself can leave some side effects, such as an acute sensitivity to any sensation in the palm and a decrease in gripping ability or finger strength.

If any of you ever have to have surgery to cure this disease, it is possible that when you return to work you will have to do another type of occupation. In many cases, however, the same type of work can still be done after the necessary modifications have been made.

For more safety-related topics, visit: Safety Zone


In modern times the industry has developed techniques and advances of incalculable value. It could almost be ensured that there is a perfect machine or tool for any task that is performed in the industry.

If any of you think you have a CTS, please let me know so we can try to alter your job or put you in another type of occupation where you don't have to do as many repetitive movements with your hands.

If you have any suggestions to improve working conditions, please let me know. On some occasions, we have found it useful to alter the height of a particular machine or piece of equipment to reduce the amount of wrist flexion or extension that a job required.

Although this evil is today widespread in many industries in almost all countries, it is very possible that we can prevent it from happening here in our company.

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Hand Safety
Hand Safety


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