Teamwork makes the dream work

Teamwork makes the dream work


Before I tell you the topic of today's toolbox talk, I want to ask you a question: is it possible to play a sport or fully succeed in life without the cooperation of other people? Logically, no one person can encompass everything, so we all need the cooperation of others. This is commonly known as Teamwork at work, and this is what today's toolbox talk is going to revolve around “Teamwork makes the dream work”. Working as a team means that we must work together, always thinking of the well-being of everyone equally. 

Teamwork makes it possible, not only to win in sports and to carry out a large number of tasks but also to prevent accidents. Several eyes see more than two, several hands can do more than two, and several minds can prevent much more than one.

Teamwork makes the dream work
Teamwork makes the dream work
Although we are born and become social beings with objectives that need to be met or achieved together with other people, it is difficult for most of us to know how to work as a team. To help you have a better understanding of teamwork in this toolbox talk we will present how “Teamwork makes the dream work”.

What is teamwork?

Teamwork arises from the need to improve the positive safety culture, performance, attitudes and loyalty of the workgroup and occur when a group of people try to cooperate, using their skills and providing constructive feedback, beyond any conflict that could occur on a personal level.

Teamwork fosters a sense of loyalty, safety and self-esteem that satisfies the individual needs of the members, valuing their belonging, and striving to maintain positive relationships within and outside the team.

What is required to achieve teamwork?

To achieve true teamwork, which impacts the organizational safety climate, we need to have certain mainly attitudinal characteristics, namely:

Teamwork makes the dream work
Teamwork makes the dream work

  •     Share new ideas and provide solutions.
  •     Contribute opinions, and offer relevant information and facts.
  •     Coordination and cooperation in the activities of all members.
  •     Empathy; understanding the other, taking an interest in the ideas of others and developing them.

Effective teamwork

No matter the size of the team, when those workers are engaged, developing and using their strengths in health and safety every day, their performance is easier to manage, and keeping the 5 C's in mind can help.

Teamwork makes the dream work
Teamwork makes the dream work

  1. Communication: Without a doubt, communication is one of the pillars of teamwork. You need an empathetic sender, a clear message and a receiver who listens actively to evaluate your different problems from a similar point of view.
  2. Coordination: The leader must be accessible to team members and have flexibility in coordinating positively. To obtain the best possible results from each of the individuals that are part of a team, coordination is essential.
  3. Complementarity: The leader can assign each of the team members a specific task according to their specific areas. The formation of teams both at the individual and professional levels of each member will enrich the results of common work.
  4. Confidence: To facilitate agility at work, trust is essential. The leader must clearly and concisely explain the health and safety-related hazards and precautions to the team.
  5. Commitment: When the above points are done efficiently, the employee engagement of the team will grow. Employees are an asset that can be used to evaluate the risks and improve workplace safety.

Teamwork in the workplace

There are many ways we can work together as a team to prevent accidents. If we all cooperate in carrying out order and cleaning work, we are working together to prevent that work from being left to just one person or from accumulating and causing accidents.

The same thing happens when we make repairs and inspections to machines when cleaning the aisles picking up materials from the floor, storing tools and other materials that are not used in their proper place, or when to assist other workers with lifting heavy objects.

When we talk about teamwork in the industry, it is necessary to keep in mind that we must keep our work team intact. Like the athletes, we also abide by certain rules, use the necessary personal protective equipment and work as a team.

Teamwork makes the dream work
Teamwork makes the dream work

For example, if we are playing soccer we know that we have to abide by the indications that are marked on the field of play as well as the rules that have already been established for it, and in case we violate the rules some officials impose a fine. In our case, the fine we receive when we ignore a rule is an accident.

Remember that we are working as a team and that if one of us makes a mistake because he decides not to follow an established rule and has an accident, the rest of the team loses something. All this has as a consequence losses in production and above all a human loss.

In the industry, when we violate an accident prevention rule, we ignore it, and the fine we receive is much higher and more transcendental than the one imposed on players in sports. Violation of that rule may result in a worker being permanently out of work and no one – not you, not any member of our department, not the company – can afford to be injured or lose a worker for this reason.

As I said before, this has serious consequences for everyone because production decreases, the team suffers from the lack of a worker and the worker suffers injury.

Suppose we are all rowing a boat down a river. We must all row at the same time maintaining the same rhythm and compass to be able to move quickly and comfortably. If one of us is late or does it improperly, it causes him to lose that rhythm that he had before. In other words, one team member's mistake or carelessness brings down the entire team's effort.


As you can see, teamwork is vital for the success of an organization's objectives, and to achieve this it is necessary to provide a good work environment where employees can develop optimally individually and collectively. Finally, we must remember that as teamwork makes you win in sports, it also facilitates production at work, but more importantly, Teamwork makes the dream work.

If you liked this toolbox and you want me to talk about another preventive toolbox topic, leave me a comment or write to Conduct this toolbox topic so that more people get involved in changing the culture of prevention and together we can achieve safer, healthier and more competitive companies.

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For more health and safety topics, visit: Safety Zone


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